Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Phillipians 4:8

Confessions of a Scrapaholic...

It started innocently enough. I bought a new software program to start doing my scrap-booking digitally. It was wonderful. I used it to make about 14 pages in a week for our exchange student. Before that, I hadn't done ANY paper pages in months or maybe over a year!! I was hooked!

I started doing my own pages, using the software. Then, I started searching the net for ideas and for 'papers' and embellishments and such. What I found is amazing! There is a whole digital scrap-booking world out there! There are tons of communities where you can post your work, people make nice comments on your LO, you can 'scraplift' others ideas, etc. There is also a whole world of FREEBIES!! My favorite part! (Anyone who knows me, knows I am very frugal!!)

So gradually, I found myself spending every free minute scrapping, searching for freebies, visiting ScrapGirls
(where I post my layouts), etc. I realized I have become addicted! I have finished over 50 layouts in the last few months, which is great for the scrapbooks! I have also realized I need to get a little balance back in my life. So, that's what I have been working on/praying about the last couple of weeks.

Here is my priority list for each day. It has been floating around in my head, but this is the first time I am putting it in writing and figure this will help me have some accountability.

Honor each day, in this order:

Him (God - doing devotionals, prayer time, etc.)
Husband (Make sure meals are made, his needs are met, etc.)
Heirs (Focus on my kiddos, spend quality time, etc.)
Home (make sure chores are done, laundry, cleaning, etc.)
Health (make healthy eating choices, and get moving again - exercise)
Hobbies (lastly, if there is time left in the day, scrapbook, blog, etc.)

This gives me a good 'checklist' each day, to make sure I am not starting from the bottom and going up!

I pray that God is showing you how to balance your life as well! Blessings, Christy